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10 Nov Resurfacing explained in a short, but sweet honest text
0 1903
Not everyone needs to actively resurfacing their skin, but it seems like the radiance and glass skin trend makes more and more people eager to renew their skin cycle (let a trained professional guide ..
10 Nov The qualities of a good Aesthetician
0 1332
Here at RELIA we believe that a good Aes¬thetician needs to be communicative, needs to stay up-to-date with the latest treatments and technologies, and also needs to find their niche within the aesthe..
10 Nov Why use a Toner?
0 1321
It can be your secret weapon to a healthy skin (really? Yes really!). Toners used too contain high concen¬trations of alcohol to help remove oil from the skin (some still do, and you should avoid them..
24 Nov Active & Connected with MyZone
admin 0 1729
Staying connected with others has been more important than ever during 2020. Whether its regular calls or Zoom quizzes, we’ve all relied much more on digital to feel part of something beyond our front..
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)